Thursday, August 23, 2007

June 15-quit yer whining!

So today I ate 4 oatmeals and a bar...and excited for my 5K/sushi/spa day Sunday!

I decided to challenge my conventional wisdom about whether or not I can lose on bars and oatmeal. So last night I made oodles of oatmeal bread and today have been eating it for every meal, except one when I had a bar. (I also had my L&G)

So lets see if anything happens tomorrow! Ran my 3 miles, have my 4 miles tomorrow, have a 5K in Estes Park on Sunday.

And then I have a date with some Sashimi and an 80 minutes sports massage! MMmmmmm. I get to pamper myself on Father's Day. Dad (DH) gets to spend quality time with the boy. Everybody wins!

I've been thinking today about the impatience many of us have with losing weight. It's like we feel we are entitled, ENTITLED!!!! to have it off, and YESTERDAY! =)

Yes, I know. Some of us are so impatient we are ready to QUIT because it wasn't off yesterday. But let me pose a question...what is the alternative? What is the alternative to losing weight in a medically approved and safe way? Not losing weight? Is that an option for us? If we are morbidly obese or even obese, I say no.

We don't have the luxury, or we shouldn't feel we have the luxury, to even make that decision. It should be a given. We are all blind when it comes to our own mortality. It's like we are teenagers speeding down the highway of life at night with no seatbelt and the lights off. Testing fate. Feeling immortal.

If we are lucky enough to still have our health, perhaps we are completely oblivious to all the risks associated with being obese. We don't feel bad physically, just emotionally, so we don't have to deal with it. If we have hypertension, or if we are pre-diabetic or diabetic (adult onset, obesity related), we have a few warning signs...but is it enough for us to face our own mortality? Is it enough to convince us that really we have no option but lose weight or....die prematurely?

Many of us just don't understand or fully comprehend the life-threatening condition we are in. Or we don't want to admit it. We think "oh, I can always do this later....that donut looks just too yummy". It's like the chronic smoker on oxygen dying of emphysema not even able to breathe anymore....reaching for a cigarrette. That's the picture I get when I imagine myself, at 266 lbs, eating ice cream. Or chocolate. Or cookies. Or chips. That's the image I get now, but I didn't get that image then. I don't know why we insulate ourselves from our situation, is it just because we don't want to face the truth?

My prayer is that everyone who is obese find the strength of will to get better. As quickly as the Mf program will allow them.

Peace to you all. And Life.

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