Thursday, August 23, 2007

July 25 - I remember when.....

I Remember When....

I remember thinking that toilet stalls were shrinking. And toilets too.

I remember thinking I'd wrench my back out getting out of my car.

I remember not being able to go comfortably through the turnstiles at Disneyland or any other Land, for that matter.

I remember actually reading the weight limit in the elevator.

I remember not being able to get up off the floor after playing with my son without using a piece of furniture to hoist myself up.

I remember my last bath pre-MF...the water not even covering my belly or chest...

I remember not being able to apply for private health or life insurance.

I remember being self-conscious in the grocery store, seeing passers-by examining the contents of my cart.

I remember buying candy online because I was too embarassed to buy it from the store.

I remember wearing size 7.5 shoes, when I should have been a 6.5.

I remember my size 26 W stretch jeans getting tighter...and tighter...

I remember my dad buying me a 2X t-shirt. And it was tight.

I remember being winded walking from the car into the store.

I remember being winded walking from my driveway to the corner, which is 0.2 miles on a slight incline. Very slight.

I remember being invisible to sales people in the clothing or any other stores.

I remember placing my first MF order.

I remember the day I got my first MF order.

I remember starting MF the day I got my MF order.

I remember NOT going on a pre-MF binge "to make up for all the things I'm going to miss....."

I remember my jeans feeling looser the very next day.

I remember losing 21 lbs the first month.

I remember the day they didn't have to give me an "oversized" robe at the spa.

I remember buying my first pair of "goal jeans" in a size 16W

I remember fitting into them.

I remember going on a cruise and trying to do MF...and feeling like a failure afterwards because I had a few "off program" meals.

I remember never "planning" a cheat

I remember when I hit Onederland.

I remember the day I weighed less than my 6 foot 2 inch husband.

I remember buying my first pair of real running shoes.

I remember using them for the first time in the couch to 5K program.

I remember my first 5K, 9 weeks later.

I remember my first 9 K, 2 weeks after that.

I remember my first 10 K.

I remember registering for my first half marathon.

I remember when I hit 150.

I remember running 8 miles without stopping.

I remember when I hit the 130's (today!)

I remember going from a size 8 jeans to a size 4 jeans in a month. (Last month).

I remember realizing my thighs didn't rub together when I walked anymore.

I commit to stay at or below goal weight when I get there

I commit that if I go above goal weight, I will immediately do the 5&1 to get under goal weight again.

I commit to never overeat 2 meals in a row. Or 2 days in a row.

I commit to model healthy behaviors for my family.

I commit to me. To my life. To my health. To my happiness.

How 'bout you?

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