Thursday, August 23, 2007

July 28 - Size 2 is the new size 8

It is official. Size 2 is the new size 8.

Hey there! I was closet shopping this morning and found an old skirt in a similar style to the infamous Ann Taylor one I just purchased. I tried it on, and it fit just like the Ann Taylor one I just purchased. It is about 17 years old, from Casual Corner, and was part of a beautiful suit-set. I read the tag, expecting to see size 4 or 6, because I know sizes have decreased over the years to make us feel better. It's an 8. Yup, an 8. It doesn't depress or discourage me, but it firms my resolve to get to my goal weight of 118, without fears of me disappearing altogether!

So, if the 2 is the new 8, that means the 0 is the new 6, (or, to give the benefit of the doubt, the new 4-6), and the 00 is the new 2-4.

In that I was a size 1 my senior year of high school, (and NOT anorexic, mind you), that means I can safely descent to a size 0 or 00 and be just fine. Even in high school I was never "underweight" as far as my BMI was concerned. I know, crazy. I weighed 105 at my lowest, and wasn't underweight. So, 118 is a good goal for me. After all, I'm 20 years older.

Ok! Enough said about that!

Good morning everyone! It's a lovely Saturday, what are you going to do with it? I am going to clean my house. Yup, clean my house. It's about time, too. As my last blog mentioned, I am tired of living in the C.H.A.O.S. (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) that defines my house. I want to make as radical of a change in my own home as I did in my own body. Even if I don't "feel" like a neat and tidy organized person, I'm convinced I can "look" like a neat and tidy organized person until my insides catch up with my outsides. Just do the work.

It's a similar principal as in the weight loss, but with opposite outcomes. With weight loss, you do the work, you begin to see results, real results, in a few days, but if you have a significant amount of weight to lose it could take months for the outside to catch up with the inside.

In housecleaning, you do the work, and you have a clean house. Bam! Now, it will take awhile for the insides to actually become a neat freak, but I am determined.

My husband and I took a "His Needs/Her Needs" marriage class a few years ago, and two of his needs that were near the top of his list were "Attractive wife" and "Domestic Support". At the time, I was a failure at both of them. Hopefully I can say I've come really far with the "Attractive wife" part. Now it's time to tackle the "Domestic Support" deficiencies.

Even if I'm not a neat freak right now, I'm determined to do such a good job faking it that no one will know I'm not! And in the meantime, pray that my insides actually catch up with my outsides, that my "autopilot" is reset as I have discussed previously, so it's not a lifelong struggle. I'm prayin' it, I'm sayin' it, here I go.

After I finish my blog and feed my boy, that is.

Just do it.

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