Thursday, August 23, 2007

July 24 - Last Pair of Goal Jeans

Rather Appropriate, I Think!

It's rather appropriate that on the day I hit "Normal Weight" category, I bought my last pair of goal my style of jeans. What I mean, is I am falling off the other end, size wise, for goal jeans! I went to the Levi Outlet yesterday and they didn't have a 4S Misses 515 boot cut jean, which have been my goal jeans since I began with the 16S lastyear....and used IT as a goal jean! Well, as I said yesterday my 6S Misses 515's were getting a little roomy, so I thought it time for another pair of goal jeans.

Today I went to Macy's, and they had one pair of 4 S (for "short) stonewashed 515's, so I bought 'em. Now, usually, goal jeans for me are a "future" wearing event. I buy them so I can see how far I can get them on, so that in a week or two I can notice a change. When I can get them comfortably on and they are wearable, I buy the next size down.

I got home, tried them on, and guess what? They are wearable. So what am I to do? I am in a quandry. Levi's doesn't MAKE 515 boot cut jeans in anything smaller than a 4. I know, I know, WOA IS ME! I may have to look to the Junior's section now! Sheesh! And I just became "normal weight", folks, it's not like I'm wasting away here to nothingness!

I get to go on a fishing expedition for the next pair of goal jeans, I guess!!!

Take care!

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