Thursday, May 31, 2007

Old Measurements, New Measurements

Body Part: Old Measurement;New Measurement

Neck: 16;13.25
Upper Arm: 17.75;13
Upper Chest: 47;36
"Chest" chest: 54;40
ribs (just under breasts) 45;33.5
Waist: 49;31.5
Abdomen: 56.5;38
Hips: 56;39
Buttocks (at widest part, saddle bags included!) 56;44.5
Upper Thigh: 33;26.5
Knee: 18.5;16
Calf: 16.5;15
Ankle (!): 9;8.5

That is after 108 lbs lost. For some reason, my saddle-bags will not budge! I think I have poor circulaton in that area, and so the fat has less chance to be utilized. Every time I go for a run my skin is cold from my upper thigh to my abdomen. Crazy. It's always been that way, too!

I decided to take my measurements both as a glance at where I've come from, but also to serve as a benchmark when I feel whiney because I'm not losing fast anymore. Now I can come back to my new measurements and see if I'm losing inches. There you have it.

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