Monday, September 21, 2009


I May Not BE That Skinny Girl Who Can Eat Whatever She Wants, But I CAN Look Like Her.
Yes indeedie. I cannot wait for the day, granted in the future, when someone who has never met me says "I'll bet you can eat whatever you want and not gain weight, huh..."

What will I answer? Will I keep that little secret between me and the scale that I'm NOT that person, even though I may LOOK like that person?

I'll probably tell them..."Yes, I CAN eat whatever I want, but I choose not to because it WILL affect my weight."

You see, many people who look like they are that girl...well they really aren't. They have just made a lifetime of good choices. Sure, there are a few people in this world who have those kinds of metabolisms. But I don't know any of them myself. Every one of my friends or relations who has kept a trim physique has done it purposefully. Their decision making is second nature to them, though, so it never looks like a struggle from the outside. They just don't think twice about taking a second or even a first piece of pie. Their reason? "I'm not hungry". Or, "I had a big lunch, thanks!" Or..."I don't feel like it right now, thanks."

And their answers are accepted because it wasn't phrased as "I'm on a diet".

You'd never hear this in a restaurant:

Friend 1: Should we split a dessert? What do you want, Cheesecake or Chocolate Mousse?
Skinny Friend 2: No thanks, I don't feel like it. I'm stuffed from lunch.
Friend 1: Oh come on, just try a bite. I won't tell. It won't hurt you!

No, you wouldn't. But you probably HAVE heard this one:

Friend 1: Should we split a dessert? What do you want, a Neopolitan or Molten Chocolate Cake?
Dieting Friend 2: I really shouldn't, I'm trying to be good on my diet.
Friend 1: Oh come on, one taste isn't going to hurt you! I won't tell. It'll be fun.

SO.....I will become, in my mind, skinny friend and instead of saying "I'm dieting thanks" I will say "I'm really full from (lunch) or (dinner) and I really couldn't possibly." End of story. They understand that, even if you don't fully understand it...SAY IT. See what kind of response you get!

I will become that person. I AM now that person, my body just has to catch up with me.
Posted Thursday, Aug 27, 2009 4:04 PM by goalbysummer | 5 Comments [Edit Post]

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