Monday, September 21, 2009


Baby Steps and Primary Colors
The baby steps describes my exercise session this evening. We live in a cool little neighborhood which is sort of agricultural themed with a running trail and parks. It's called "Agritopia" and if you google it you can see the house styles. It's pretty cool, and we have an award winning coffee shop in the neighborhood, as well as an awesome organic grill.

But I digress. First, glancing briefly back and trying not to get discouraged doing it, I ran a half-marathon on September 30th 2007. It is now almost exactly 2 years later. And I am 120 lbs heavier.

But we all have to start (or re-start) somewhere. And I put on my running shoes, went outside, and ran for 1 minute. Then I walked a minute. Then I ran a minute. I did this until I had run for 5 minutes, at one minute intervals.

One year and 4 months from now, I will be running the Rock and Roll PF Chang's Marathon in Scottsdale. I will mark the day that I could only run for 5 minutes. In one minute intervals. And four months from now I will be walking the Half Marathon.

Now, the primary colors. Body, Soul, Spirit. The primary colors in my Avatar signify that for me. If we are neglecting even one of these aspects, we are neglecting taking care of ourselves. So here goes.

And here is to being sore in the morning.
Posted Sunday, Sep 20, 2009 10:21 PM by goalbysummer | 6 Comments [Edit Post]

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