Monday, September 21, 2009


Day by Day, White Packet by White Packet...
Day by day. White packet by white packet. Line 'em up, one MF meal after another, with a Lean and Green thrown in once a day. Drink the water. Do it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. See results.

Line 'em up, one MF meal after another, with a Lean and Green thrown in once a day. Drink the water. Do it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. See results.

MF CAN get monotonous every once in awhile, but the results are anything BUT monotonous. And it is these results that keep me honest with myself. Is it exciting? No, the plan is not very exciting to me. Is it fun? No, the plan is not very fun to me. Is it easy? Yes. Does it work? Yes.

For me, Medifast doesn't have to be fun, exciting, inspiring, earth-shattering, interesting, or any of that. It is one quiet day after another, doing routine things to get my health and my life in order.

It is almost diametrically opposed to everything my little thrill-seeking impulsive heart is drawn to.

So I'm quietly working out my faith. My faith in the Lord, yes, and my faith in Medifast that this proven program works over the long haul.

It ain't sexy, but I will be when I'm done.
Posted Friday, Sep 4, 2009 2:54 PM by goalbysummer | 6 Comments [Edit Post]

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