Monday, September 21, 2009


Sort of a response to the comments on my last post "My two cents" + more...
Thanks for all the comments...and in answer to question that was posed to me, is it really even worth it if there is a chance I'll gain it back that I say it is only worth it if the pain of being overweight (mentally and physically) is less bearable than the pain of learning to be self disciplined for the rest of your life. It's a choice. Obviously, I oscillated between the two and gained my weight back, trying to mask OTHER, unrelated pain which became more overwhelming than either of those pain options (don't my life sound like a bowl of cherries?---God is my strength and my comfort now, but I mistook food for God for about the last year and a half.....).

Now that season of my life is over, and being fat just hurts.

Being fat I just hurt all the time, in my body and in my heart. But in the losing, there are periods of great joy punctuating the long hard work of buckling down and losing the weight. It really isn't a case of "WHEN I get to my goal, THEN I'll be happy." I was actually elated once I dropped below 200, and all the way TO my goal! So there IS joy in the journey.

And I was so flattered when "PEOPLE" Magazine interviewed me for their "PEOPLE WHO LOST HALF THEIR SIZE" January 2008 issue. I didn't make the cut, but hey, I WAS considered! My new goal is to be featured in the "PEOPLE WHO LOST HALF THEIR SIZE...AND ONE WHO DID IT TWICE!" 2012 edition, (I Made up that title...but who knows!?) once I've lost my 149 lbs and been maintaining for a year. I want to show other people that they can do it. And not only the people who haven't yet done it once, but I also want to inspire the people who have done it, gained it back, and are sitting there thinking "why bother-I could never do it again-I'm obviously a failure". My heart hurts for such people.

But the only way for ME to get there in any time frame that means anything concrete to me, any time frame that I can actually wrap my mind around and say...."OK, 15 months..." is to do it 100%. The 100% AS WRITTEN food plan. I Do weigh every day, and actually I find that vital for me. But that is not a "cheat" in the food sense of the word. Do it 100% as written, and you will stay motivated enough to stick to it 100%.

Eat off plan? Have a drink? Your results will suffer and at some point you just won't make that next order. You'll drift off the boards. I'm not condemning, the Good Lord knows I have attempted restarts 5 or 6 times in the last year and a half. So I'm not condemning, I've BEEN THERE.

Anyway, I hope this helps someone! Ya gotta be CERTAIN you will get there, and the only way you can be CERTAIN is being 100%. Otherwise the variable is too great, and the possibility exists that you WON'T get there. For me, that ain't an option.

So, today I went to goodwill and found a CRAZY-BEAUTIFUL embroidered pair of jeans by CosJeans in a 4P, and a matching CRAZY medium shirt by Edista, total price for this goal outfit: $14.00. It actually looks like something RadiationGirlie would wear, and let's face it, she is my hero. I SO want to be like her!

Bear in mind, I'm less than 1 week into the LAST restart of my LIFE, currently sitting here in size 26 shorts and a Large really stretchy Talbots shirt which should actually be a 2 or 3XL.

But I am certain. I am 100% proof positive that right around new year 2011 or thereabouts I will be fitting in to those jeans. And I'll paste and copy this entry to inspire the people who have just started the Medifast Program at that time.

Have a great day, y'all!
Posted Sunday, Aug 30, 2009 9:26 PM by goalbysummer | 4 Comments [Edit Post]

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