Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The rest is just math....

Yeah. Really. That's it. The only thing that matters is how badly we want this. There are no insurmountable obstacles except those that we create ourselves. And if we feel it is truly insurmountable, well that means we just don't want it badly enough.

Thanksgiving? No problem. Christmas? No sweat. The time in between? Solved. Office Christmas Party? No biggie. Cruise next week? Bring it on. New Year's Eve? Yeah, so what? Is it THAT easy? It is, once you've DECIDED. I made a decision. I decided it was I who was in control of me. No one else. It's not my husband's fault if I eat off program because he hasn't chosen to live like me and still brings goodies into the house. It's not my health coaches fault if I fall off the wagon because she just didn't want it bad enough for me. It isn't Jesus' fault for being born and us celebrating His birth once a year.

I own it. I own my decisions. And I've decided.

I CHOSE to NOT waddle anymore. I CHOSE to NOT feel like I'm suffocating in my own prison of fat. I CHOSE to be able to get down on the floor and play with my son before he didn't want to do that anymore. I CHOSE to be able to strap my running shoes on if I wanted to and not look like a fool out there. I CHOSE to not need a seat-belt extender on the airplane anymore. I CHOSE to not have my inner-thigh be the first part of my pants to develop a hole. All of that has been accomplished with the first 50 lb loss.

And with the next 50 pounds;

I CHOOSE to not be the fattest mom dropping off my child to Kindergarten. I CHOOSE to have salespeople not avoid me like the plague. I CHOOSE to have random people in check-out lines strike up conversations with me, instead of avoiding eye contact for fear my obesity might be catching. I CHOOSE to have people scrutinize my basket at Costco to figure out what I am eating to look so fit and healthy, instead of scrutinizing it to figure out why I'm so fat. I CHOOSE to run a 5K, a 10K, and a Half Marathon between now and June 5th.

These are things I want, and I want them badly. These are things that I will obtain, because I don't SEE obstacles. I see HURDLES. And with every hurdle I sail over and past, I gain new strength for the next one.

Ever try to get your momentum back after tripping over a hurdle? It is almost, but not quite, impossible. I have had 3 hurdles on this journey that I tripped over. I thank the Lord that I have my stride back, and ain't no hurdle gonna trip me up again, because I CHOOSE THIS.

I don't feel sorry for myself because I "can't" indulge my inner-brat. I don't feel sorry for myself because I "can't" eat 'normal' food. I WON'T indulge my inner-brat and I WON'T eat normal food. My choice. My pleasure to comply. And it will be my pleasure to get to my goal weight of 118 and be a size 4 again. Because I can. Because I stopped telling myself I "couldn't" a few months ago.

The math part? It's 5&1. Simple. Simple, but not easy.

Happy Medifasting! Rinse and Repeat.

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