Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh no you just didn't!

I knew the day would come! I knew it. I felt discouraged today about having actually gained 1/4 lb from yesterday to today, which is the plight of a daily weigher. But I have to take the good with the bad and not get bent out of shape because I KNOW I'm doing everything to the best of my abilities and I KNOW it's working.

SO I took my own advice. I went and tried on my size 14 jeans (I'm in 16's right now), knowing they wouldn't fit because, well, they didn't fit YESTERDAY, could not even get the buttons to touch YESTERDAY.

Folks, I got them buttoned and I got them zipped. The difference ONE DAY can make on this program is AMAZING. I'm almost speechless.

Now, the muffin-top renders them unwearable outside my house, but not for long. NOT FOR LONG. I hope to take them on my cruise on Dec 4th, that is 11 days away, and I hope to leave my 16's behind!

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