Wednesday, March 14, 2007

My folks are here today. I haven't weighed since last week. I was up a pound, to 170, and it freaked my out. With all the stress of my parents coming to visit, coupled with a "second look" mammogram I had today, I just have not been motivated to weigh. Am I still on program? I'd have to say "mostly, but my heart isn't in it right now...."

I'll decipher that...I've been hugely needing munchy munches, and so have OD'd on Sugarfree Candy. I know. What a way to go. Big Whoop. But it still counts for something! I'm sure there are still carbs in there, and I'm sure it has slowed my weight loss. AND I've not been getting my water in lately. I don't know what the deal is. Been struggling to get the water and to limit my half and half. Those are usually the first two things that go when I'm waning off a diet, so I am being vigilant and on guard. When I feel those two things slipping, I slap myself in the face (so to speak) and talk myself back from the ledge.

So...results on the Mammogram were good. They said no worries, just dense fibrous tissue and I don't have to get another one for 6 years. Yehaw yippee. What an answer to prayer that was! Me and God were having a "moment" this morning while I was driving to the mammogram place...the sun was just beginning to rise, and I was listening to Bebo Norman's "I will lift my eyes". Great song. Love it. I was praying, and telling God all the reasons why Julian needs his Mom. He will be going through enough with his kidney/bladder issues, can't he just have his mom around to make it all better? I know God doesn't negotiate, but He must smile a little bit when we try it anyway. Like "oh, how cute, she's negotiating again". So I know He doesn't mind hearing it.

Well, He answered all my prayers. I hugged the mammogragraphy technician and left singing and crying. It was a great morning.

Now I feel like I can get back to the business of getting in shape. And taking care of my family. Yay!

So that's it for today. Bye all!


Anonymous said...

Okay, I just commented on your last entry and you posted another one! I am trying to keep up! lol

Hurrah! The mamogram is good! It is in our nature to bargin with God, he does listen!

Now, is this the same person who was just saying she "Didn't Care anymore!" Get back to that. Don't care about how your coffe tastes without the creamer! Get out that gum instead of the candies. Come on you know the drill! I was just telling Queenbee that I have 6 different kinds of gum available. Stick to the plan! It is what works!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Stacy. I just had to look you up. I have missed your blogs.
I'm glad that your mammogram was okay. That is great news!