Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why Alter the Experiment?

Today I was thinking about how we would never modify an experiment if we were a scientist, just because we "felt like it".

Can you imagine running an experiment in a lab, and deciding to alter the amounts or the ingredients or the methodology of your experiment?  If someone before you had gotten the results you are looking for, then why on earth would you change anything about the instructions?

It is the same with the program.  We are always looking for ways to change up things, aren't we?  Why?  What is that compulsion we have to NOT FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS?

Is it our inner teen-ager who doesn't like to be told "what to do"?  Do we throw our fist up in rebellion because we want to do it "our way?"

How has our way been working out for us lately?  Seriously?  Has it been working? 

So why not refresh yourself with the Quick Start Guide, and do ONLY what is IN it, as well as the Condiment/Healthy Fat Publication?  That's what I would do to get results.  Unless results aren't really what you are after.

Rinse and Repeat!

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