Thursday, June 13, 2013

I don't want you to fix it I just want you to listen...

Do you ever feel like the man in this video?  Seriously, as I run around town accomplishing my day I see so many people with nails in their head as regards their health.

So.  Many.  People. 

And I was one of them not so long ago. 

Here's the thing about this supportive community, the thing that I think is wonderful.  We have "fixers" and we have "listeners" on this site.  And no one of us needs to be both at all times.  There are many times that my blogs and my discussion board posts strike the tone of "fixing" which may not be what some people on here would like to hear at the time.

But I am mostly a fixer.

I am SO glad we have so many listeners on this site, because truly this community is so caring and so unique because we all bring something to the table.  Now, back to "out there" in the "real world".

I see so many people with nails in their head as regards their health, and I hurt for them.  I want to develop relationships with ALL of them so I can show them what I did to finally get that nail out of my head!

And as I watch the 400 lbs man on oxygen in his scooter waiting for his cheesecake sample at Costco, the sense of urgency is sometimes overwhelming.   It sometimes even overwhelms me to tears.

I am quite often the "man" in this video.  My idea of "fixing" as regards health is asking the questions: 
*Are you following the program as described in the Quick Start Guide?
*Are you engaging in bites, licks and tastes?  Because you will slow or stall completely (or worse) your progress on this plan if you are.
*Are you drinking all your water?
*Are you eating within 1 hour of waking and then every 2.5-3 hours after that?
*Are you doing too much exercise?
*Are you doing lots of recipes with cheese and tomato sauce?
*Are you weighing your lean cooked protein?
*Are you limiting your condiments to 3, and limiting them to those prescribed in the Condiment/Healthy Fat publication?
*Are you logging your intake?
*Are you FOLLOWING the plan and not substituting your judgment for that of the plan?
*Are you solely utilizing Medifast Meals for your 5 Medifast Meals per day?
*Are you reaching out for support?
*Are you reading Dr. A's Habits of Health in a thoughtful way?

These are my "go-to's" for fixing my OWN plan when I find that I am faltering or not getting the results I desire.  These are the questions I ask myself.

Every day that we make a habit out of these practices we go to bed healthier than when we woke up.  Every. Day.

I am just here to say today, one more time, that I am grateful for Take Shape For Life.  I am thankful for the tools that it gave ME to get the nail out of my head.  You know that Bible verse about getting the log out of our own eye before attempting to remove the splinter out of someone else's eye?  Here's to working on ourselves ALWAYS, relentlessly, without tiring, and running the good race.  Because the more I am able to be evidence that this program works, the more I can help other people see the value in this program.

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