Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Truth Will Set You Free

I was listening to a seminar by Jim Rohn last night, and he quoted a verse from the Bible that "The Truth Will Set You Free".

Free to do what?  Free to amend your errors and develop your disciplines.  To avoid disaster down the road, and to experience AMAZING results.

But first we need to see the truth.  Assess where we are currently, honestly.  No bull.

Without seeing the truth of the matter, without taking an honest assessment of where we are now, we cannot be free to change things for the better.

So what did you do yesterday?  Did you stay on plan?  If not, why not?  Are you telling yourself the truth?  If you aren't, start.

Write it down.  Are you on plan?  Is your mind already forming excuses as you read this as to how you could have fit what you DID do in to the plan if you tweak this or that or the other? 

So the first step is to assess, honestly, whether or not you are following the Medifast 5&1 Plan.  If you aren't, then start.  If you are, then SWELL!  You are on your way to your health goals!

'Nuff said.

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