Sunday, March 24, 2013

Dream Hog

I was ruminating yesterday about how many years the dream of "losing weight" dominated my dreamscape. 

Looking back over my journals, from Jr High on, really, I noticed that the underlying pattern of "Someday I'll......" and the overall theme of a desire yet unmet, was that of losing weight.

Page after page of charts, time frames, resolves, decreasing numbers on the scale with whatever "new thing" I was attempting, only to flip a few pages more and find that months had gone by and the "starting" number was back where it began, or higher.

Where were the young girl dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up?  What were the young woman dreams of, I don't know, what DO young women dream about? 

All of my dreams were weight-centered.  All of my dreams involved putting off every other thing in my life (dreamwise) because I was constantly working on THIS one?

In short, the dream of "losing weight" was the ultimate "DREAM HOG" for my entire life UNTIL......

I did it.

And let me tell you, I was not prepared for the floodgates to open and all of my other suppressed dreams to rush in and fill the void.

You see, when all we can think about, when the only "I wish I could..." involves "losing weight", then that leaves no room for any other of our legitimate heart felt dreams to develop into REAL dreams, SUBSTANTIVE dreams that we can follow and accomplish.

The only way to allow other dreams to move in and flourish is to GET THIS ONE OUT OF THE WAY.  And the only way to get this one out of the way, is to accomplish it.

You can't push this "losing weight" dream to the rear of your dreamlife.  It will always push it's way back to the front.  You can't ignore it either, it is a legitimate heartfelt desire because you know that ultimately, being overweight or obese doesn't really allow you to live your best life now.  You feel that intrinsically.  Which is why we HAVE the overriding constant desire "to lose weight" that effects everything we do and every decision to make.

The best thing that we can do is to DO IT once and for all.  Accomplish that dream. 

Once I DID THAT, I realized I had all SORTS of other dreams that I was so excited to get working on!

My only regret is that it took me so long to finally get this one done and the box checked off.  Because once I DID that, the ultimate dream hog was resolved into a reality and it allowed new dreams to bloom and grow in my imagination.

And I guess I can really say "I'm living the dream!"

And you can, too.

Is accomplishing this dream worth enough to you to stay on plan today?  That's all you need to do.

Rinse and Repeat!

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