Sunday, February 23, 2014


This morning I stepped on the scale is SO CRAZY I actually can't believe it, I'm a little bit shocked to tell you the truth.  Because ALL THIS TIME that I've been creating health in my life....I GAINED!!!  I mean I've been so diligent with the plan, and here in maintenance, and, well, I'm just kind of awestruck and flabbergasted!

What the heck!?!?!

I gained.

What did I gain?

I gained health.
I gained the respect of my son and husband, who fully understand in a tangible and visible and practical way that I will DO what I say I am going to DO, even if it is uncomfortable or hard sometimes.

I gained the knowledge of how my body operates, how it responds to what I put in it, and how to live within my limitations as regards my food intake and STILL ENJOY myself.  Because I've changed my wants.

I gained Habits if Health which I incrementally introduced into my life.

I gained the vocabulary to explain to other people what it has meant in my life to overcome obstacles and CREATE something INCREDIBLY AWESOME:  Optimal Health.

I gained the confidence to know that it is NEVER too late to become the person that we 'might have' been, because someone believed in me, and eventually that "someone" WAS me.

Are you still trying to "lose weight?"  STOP IT!!!!  Honestly, STOP IT!!!

Instead of focusing on what you want OUT of your life, focus on what you want to GAIN.  Freedom from your fat suit.  Health.  Energy.  Dare I say happiness?  Because I gained happiness.  Oh, and if you're wondering if I gained WEIGHT?  Heck no.  I'm in maintenance!!  =)  And I intend to stay here!

Rinse and Repeat!

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