Wednesday, January 8, 2014

You Know You Are On The Right Track......

.....When you become uninterested in looking back. - Zig Ziglar

I think this is highly appropriate for my journey/adventure towards health, and especially appropriate for this time of year!

I'm creating something NEW in my life, something I've never experienced until now, optimal and ultra health.

I'm not interested in rehashing when and why and how I ever became or remained Class IV Super Obese for most of my adult life.  I'll tell my story gladly insofar as it helps others become inspired to create health in their own lives, but as to my own motivation for my own health journey moving forward, I don't dwell on the past.

I don't entertain much of that from myself, and I don't entertain much of that from others. 

I'm not interesting in heading down a path of trying to concentrate on and figure out how or why something DIDN'T work and I know that some will argue that is the only way we learn.  I see part of that philosophy in the brief revisitation of a strategy and making alterations in moving forward.

But for much of my own yo-yo diet journey I was stuck on what DIDN'T work.  Now?  I'm really only interested in what DOES WORK and practicing those routines and ritual behavior/habits repeated daily that DO work to GET ME WHERE I WANT TO GO.

It may sound like I'm splitting hairs here, and I sure don't mean to.

But basically this is my philosophy:

DO NOT give time and mental energy in focusing on those habits of disease that you DON'T want to practice.

DO give time and mental energy in focusing on those habits of HEALTH that you want to IMPLEMENT.

For every moment you spend wondering WHY you binged, or WHY you threw yourself under the bus again, or WHY you ALWAYS do this to yourself you COULD BE imagining what life WILL be like when you ARE living it at a HEALTHY WEIGHT!

DO YOU want to be fit and healthy?  Then find out what fit and healthy people DO and start DOING those things.  Are you starting from a point of being overweight or obese?  Then do the 1st phase of the program, which is the weight loss phase, and move ON to transition and maintenance, which is, basically, the rest of your life!

So many people, and myself included when I was a yo-yoer, look at the weight loss PROCESS as a forever thing.  It isn't.  It is temporary.  Do it and be done with it.

Does that mean you "go back to eating normally" when you are "done?"

You don't "GO BACK" to ANYTHING.  That is my point.  We move forward.

I wish everyone success in their journey!

Rinse and Repeat!

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