Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Stacy Phillips' (that's ME!) Twelve-Week-Transformation Begins TODAY!

I can hear it now "But wait, you've arrived, haven't you?  You are at GOAL, you are almost done with TRANSITION, and MAINTENANCE is just a couple weeks away....You're DONE, right?"




Let me tell you a little something that I have learned on this process of attaining and maintaining optimal health.

There is no such thing as DONE.

Until you are DEAD.

And I don't plan on being dead anytime soon, Lord Willing!

And this is the COOL thing about it, I'm totally EXCITED to continue improving upon my health.

Let's get something straight, though, I have DETACHED "getting healthy" with "losing weight".

I detached these two things in my mind ON PURPOSE while in PHASE 1 of the Take Shape For Life Program.  Because they are really only loosely related.

Losing weight does not EQUAL getting optimally healthy. 
Getting optimally healthy does not EQUAL losing weight.

IF you are an overweight or obese BMI, attaining a healthy BMI is naturally the FIRST STEP in the process of BECOMING optimally healthy.  It is the FIRST THING that needs to be dealt with, or handled.

Similar to smoking.  If someone wants to be healthy and they are a smoker, the very first things is to ditch those ciggys.  But ditching those ciggys doesn't MAKE them healthy, it is STANDING IN THE WAY of them BEING HEALTHY.

My Class IV Super Obesity was standing in the way of me being optimally healthy.  No question about it, it was the FIRST thing I needed to deal with in order to have hopes of becoming optimally and in fact on my way to ultra healthy.

It isn't the LAST thing, it isn't the ONLY thing.  And that is what I love about Dr. A's system, and his Habits of Health.  LOSING WEIGHT is like the STOPPING SMOKING aspect of becoming healthy.  It needs to be done, and it is the first thing TO be done on the continuum of attaining optimal health. 

Unfortunately, in our "diet mentality" culture, it is usually the ONLY thing we obsess over. 

Getting thin.
Losing weight.
Dropping fat.

We get so hung up on the PROCESS of that first phase that it becomes our hang-up.  We get in the oscillating pattern of lose-gain-repent-repeat partly BECAUSE we are seeing WEIGHT LOSS AS THE GOAL in and of itself.  This inherently makes it a NEGATIVE GOAL, meaning it is something we want OUT of our lives, something we want to ESCAPE.

When I fully embraced the thought that getting healthy was about bringing something AWESOME IN TO MY LIFE (health) instead of GETTING SOMETHING I LOATHED OUT OF MY LIFE (fat) is when my eyes were opened to the possibility that I could become healthy and STAY healthy, enjoy BEING healthy and LOVE LIFE!

And so, Dear ones, I embark on a 12-Week Transformation ( in order to move in to the next step, which for ME, since I AM at goal, includes maintenance yes, but also includes continuing to move into optimal and ultra health!

Day 1 is today!  Yes, Stacy Phillips is becoming even MORE healthy.  This is an endeavor I will strive for from year-to-year.  How can I be even MORE healthy this year than I was LAST year?

And it doesn't have a THING to do with "losing weight".  Novel concept!

And the fact that I could win some cool prizes doesn't hurt either!  I'm going to WIN the Female Health Coach Category!  Ha!  Ok there is my competitiveness coming to the surface!  LOL!

Rinse and Repeat.

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