Monday, May 27, 2013

Changing the Paradigm. From Excess to Contentment.

We live in an amazing country, don't we?  On this Memorial Day I want to pause just a moment and remember the sacrifices that so many have made in order that we can live free and in relative safety.  This great American Experiment has resulted in an amazing country for us to live in, with amazing opportunities for all.

One of the opportunities we have is to pursue happiness.  That is really what, for me, this process of getting healthy is all about.  I am exercising my right to pursue happiness.

My own personal journey to health has taught me many things.  One is forgive yourself early and often, love yourself, and always do what is BEST for yourself in every circumstances.  It meant learning that what was BEST for me wasn't always what I necessarily WANTED to do or FELT like doing at the time.

You see, I have wrestled, for much of my life until recently, with a tendency towards excess.

And in this country it is not hard to pursue excess.  Because hey, if some is good, more is better.....RIGHT? 

In the area of STUFF:

I accumulated collections of this and that, things I could never possibly use all of, but just wanted to HAVE for some reason.  Teacups.  Depression Glass.  Fireking Jadeite dishware.  Shoes.  Dale of Norway Sweaters.  Quilts.  Coffee mugs.  Bakeware.  Cake pans.  Candy making moulds.  Cookie cutters.  Cookbooks.  If I was going to take an interest in something, I wanted ALL OF IT.  As MUCH of it as I could obtain.

Excess.  Much more than I could possibly use, much more than I could possibly need in ANY circumstance.

What I didn't realize was this attitude extended to my life situation also.  I did this with food.  I packed excess energy on my body.  I filled up my fat cells and carried the long-term energy around with me because I ate more than I needed for my immediate needs.  Being fat is a form of hoarding.  It is eating much MORE calories than I needed, setting emotional reasons aside it truly was hoarding food on my person.

Excess.  Much more than I could possibly use, much more than I could possibly need in ANY circumstance.

When I realized what I was doing to myself, because of my tendency towards excess (gluttony, really, but not limited to food), I had a realy hard look at myself and evaluated what I was going to do about it.

I determined that I would BEGIN PRACTICING CONTENTMENT.  Paul talks about contentment in Philippians 4:11 "For I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances".  WHATEVER the circumstances.  He LEARNED to be content.  That means he wasn't before, but made it a priority to learn it and practice it. 

I am well in to my journey of learning and practicing contentment.  Some days are easier than others.  But every day I have the choice to BE content in my present circumstance.  Whether that circumstance is my desire to bring my body in to energy balance and rid myself of the excess energy stores I was hoarding (fat), whether it is selling all but my 6 favorite teacups on Ebay, whether it is giving all but 2 of my quilts to Goodwill, WHATEVER the circumstance, I am learning to be content with what I have, and to only accumulate what I NEED. 

This includes food.  I stopped hoarding food in my house, and I stopped hoarding calories in my fat cells.  Letting it all go.  Letting that desire for excess ANYTHING just go away by practicing contentment has been one of the greatest gifts I can give myself.  Simplifying my plan, simplifying my life, all of that has lifted such a heavy burden, both on my physical person (fat), AND in my possessions (our garage is CLEAN and UNCLUTTERED!) is such a peaceful feeling.

I also noticed it in the area of weight loss.  I was not bothered when I had "only" lost half a pound or 1 pound in a week because I was not frantic to accumulate SUCCESS.  I was CONTENT to let the process that I had committed myself to over the long haul really work itself out by me being diligent and doing the work.  So whether I lose 4 pounds in a week or 1/4 of a pound, I am practicing contentment. 

So this Memorial Day, will you begin practicing contentment?  Will you put down the burden of that urgency to accumulate, be it food, pounds, weight losses, success, WHATEVER it is, and practice contentment?

Rinse and Repeat!

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