Saturday, January 5, 2013

When The Bloom is Off The Rose.....

Do you remember when we were kids, and we'd get a new toy, and it would be THE COOLEST THING.... for about 3 days.

Then it would become uninteresting and we'd discard it under the bed going in search for newer and more exciting things?

Well, for the January starters, I don't think it is too early to say "BEWARE" of this phenomenon as regards your program.

I started a new exercise program on December 31st.  I was psyched.  January 1st came and I joyously got my walking shoes on and out the door I went.  Again, excited.  I could FEEL the change in the air.

January 2nd came and I was happy I was doing it, making a real difference, I felt a little lighter and stronger, and that feeling carried me through my program. 

January 3rd came and I found my mind wandering during the program.

January 4th came and I got half-way through and wanted to stop.  I was bored.

I did NOT stop, however, because I recognized that perseverance BEGINS where enthusiasm STOPS.

And the results I desire take TIME, so in order to get there I need to persevere even when I don't feel like doing it.  When I'd rather be drinking coffee and reading the paper.  When I'd rather be surfing Facebook and catching up with all my friends. 

The same with Medifast and Take Shape For Life.  Right about now, for all of the January 1st starters, it is getting a bit TEDIOUS.  A bit BORING.  I'll bet some of you are already searching other programs because perhaps this one hasn't lived up to all of your expectations.  Maybe the food is a little bland.  Maybe you are bored.

And I say to YOU:

So you are bored.  What does that have to do with anything?

We were emotional eaters, let's not be emotional dieters.  Heck, let's not be dieters at ALL, let's make this a lifestyle change which, when repeated accurately and truthfully on a daily basis, will get us to optimal health.

It's the "repeat accurately and truthfully on a daily basis" wherein lies the rub.  This is the difficult part to ACT on.  But I will tell you this, if you execute this plan as written faithfully over the next several months, just one day at a time, you will experience STUNNING results.

So do the work.  So what if it is boring.  Filling your car is boring too, but you do it.  Paying your bills is boring too.  You want exciting?  Go see a movie.  Jump out of an airplane.  Learn how to surf.  Don't try to gain a purpose of "fun and entertaining" out of your eating plan.  That is what got us here, remember?

Keep on keeping on!  Happy Take Shape For Life-ing!  Rinse and Repeat!


Anonymous said...

Boy did this get me!. Do it anyway, when I am bored, when I am tired of the same old same old, when I think I can't do it today and the results down the road will be amazing. Amen :-)

Stacy Phillips Independent OPTAVIA Coach said...