Friday, March 21, 2014

Review of an Awesome Book and the Applications for My Life

I received a book a few days ago that someone recommended me to read, called Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change by Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. These are the best-selling Authors of another book, Crucial Conversations which I have yet to read but I think it is next!

In the "Influencer" book, there are THREE areas where influencers operate with great skill:

"1) Focus and Measure: Influencers are crystal clear about the result they are trying to achieve and are zealous about measuring it.
2) Find Vital Behaviors: Influencers focus on high-leverage behaviors that drive results. More specifically, they focus on the two or three vital actions that produce the greatest amount of change.
3) Engage all six sources of influence: Influencers break from the pack by overdetermining change. Where most of us apply a favorite tool or two to our important challenges, influencers identify all of the varied forces that are shaping the behavior they want to change and then get them working FOR rather than AGAINST them. And now for the really good news. According to our research, by getting six different sources of influence to work in their favor, influencers increase their odds of success tenfold."

This is a pretty awesome book so far! I realize that I have been the MAJOR INFLUENCER of MY OWN BEHAVIOR during this process of getting healthy! I've employed ALL THREE of the areas discussed above! Without even knowing I was doing anything formal LOL!

Because if you think about it, the FIRST PERSON we need to influence in order to CHANGE OUR OWN LIVES is......OURSELVES. And I know by experience I was a tough nut to crack.

Take #1: I have always said we need to be CRYSTAL CLEAR about where we are HEADED in this process of getting healthy. Not some vague ambition about "I wanna lose weight...I really really wanna lose weight.." which is so uninspiring to me I want to run away when I hear it. No. Crystal clear on the POSITIVE OUTCOME we want to achieve. Not what we want to LOSE. What we want to GAIN. Specifics, people, SPECIFICS. Crystal clarity means you can see the intricate detail. Even "to get healthy" is pretty vague, so I had to go about defining EXACTLY what that meant FOR ME. WHAT did "getting healthy" mean? So I did that.

Then #2: Finding vital behaviors. I knew that if I didn't absolutely retool and redirect a few vital behaviors which were sending me in the WRONG direction I would never achieve lasting change. Therefore I INTRODUCED Habits of Health in to my life. I made them SO ROUTINE in my life as to repeat them DAILY with ease. Incremental, sustainable changes that I could bring INTO my life. I didn't focus on the behaviors I wanted OUT of my life, those habits of disease, but I focused on BRINGING IN habits of HEALTH which necessarily edged out the habits of disease because the two habits could not exist simultaneously in my life.

Finally, #3: The six sources they refer to as they expand this concept are:

*Personal Motivation
*Personal Ability
*Social Motivation
*Social Ability
*Structural Motivation
*Structural Ability

I'll break these down for you:
*Personal Motivation = Do I ENJOY the process of getting healthy?
*Personal Ability = Can I physically do what I want to do?
*Social Motivation = do others encourage me to enact the wrong behaviors?
*Social Ability = Do others encourage me to success?
*Structural Motivation = Am I surrounding myself with "things" that are enabling my performance, or am I surrounding myself with "things" that are disabling performance? Ask are the things I surround myself with, or the things I reward myself with encouraging success or encouraging behaviors that will sabotage my success?
*Structural Ability = "environment" can either enable or disable performance. To examine this source, ask does my environment enable me for success?

One of the biggest hindrances I found in both my own journey and helping others is #1, personal motivation. Do I enjoy the process of getting healthy?

This is an absolutely foundational question to answer for ourselves. Because if we allow ourselves to continue viewing this process as one big bummer, one big restriction, one big deprivation, then it will ABSOLUTELY remain that for us and we won't even have an opportunity or desire to establish the other 5 sources to harness them for success.

We won't want to. Why do something we don't want to do? After all, we live in a free country, right? We don't LIKE being uncomfortable. We don't LIKE doing things we perceive as CHORES. BUMMERS. KILL-JOYS. And let's face it, we can only hold our breath (another unpleasant task) for SO LONG before we have to burst out of the water and get some oxygen. If our oxygen is yummy nummy food, then that is exactly what we will reach for in SPADES when we come up for air. If our oxygen is AWESOME HEALTH then we will continue doing the behaviors that will enable us to REMAIN in optimal health once we GET there.

So, the FIRST step in utilizing all 6 sources of inspiration/motivation on your journey to health is to GET HAPPY in the PROCESS. Make PEACE with your limitations and find JOY in your journey.

No Eyores here is what I'm sayin'. Can you hear him now, in his Eyore voice? "Ho-hum, another bummer day doing another bummer diet, life is full of disappointment and deprivation..."

Wow this blog has run long but I am just excited about what I'm learning and how I can apply it to my journey! I may edit later and add thoughts, but my brain is full and no more words will come out right now LOL.

Rinse and Repeat!

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