Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What if We Expected to Succeed Instead of Expecting to Fail?

What if we really accomplished what we set out to accomplish as regards our health?  I mean really did?  Come with me on a little journey in your imagination.  Let's suspend everything you have done in the past in this area.  Let's pretend that we cannot look back. 

Let's dream a little bit. 

Let's talk about that hope and dream that you have, the one that has thus far eluded you, to finally FINALLY have victory in the area of your weight?

CAN YOU IMAGINE what that would be like?  To wake up in the morning NOT feeling bad about what you ate yesterday?  To go in to your closet KNOWING that everything in there makes you look fantastic, and you don't just have to try on 10 things to find the item that a)fits and b)makes you look "less large"?  With tears involved?

Let's SAY that you could have ANY LIFE YOU WANTED.  Not someone ELSE'S life, but YOURS.  What would that look like?  What kind of person would you be?  What would YOU look like, outside AND inside?  What kind of person would you like to be, and still be YOU?  Imagine it!

Think on it for some good solid time.  WHAT IF all of this Medifast/TSFL stuff actually could deliver you THAT person, provided you took the initiative and followed the simple program?

Some of us are afraid that in order to commit to this kind of transformation we have to become "all about ourselves" and they think that perhaps others might think them selfish.  Let me ask you a real honest-to-goodness question.  Doesn't being fat make us all about ourselves also?  But in a way that makes us feel horrible?  I mean how many decisions do we make in the course of the day that is impacted in one way or the other because we are hyper-aware of our size?  I know when I was morbidly obese I was truly all about myself but in a negative "I hate the way I feel all the time" way.  I couldn't (read wouldn't) play with my boy on the floor.  I couldn't (read wouldn't) go swimming with him.  I agonized over what to wear that day.  I wouldn't go places where I might run in to people I knew because they might see I'd gained all my weight back

And that dream of finally attaining and maintaining a healthy weight hogged up all of my dream power.  It dominated my desires.  It was the one thing that had eluded me my entire life, and therefore I not only felt like a failure, but I spent all my creative energy trying to make it so, feeling like I was running on a hamster-wheel.

Once I got ON THE PATH to optimal health, USING THE SYSTEM that had been proven, and stopped DEVIATING FROM THAT SYSTEM in any way, that is when I began to ACTUALLY ACHIEVE what I had been dreaming about for so long.

And guess what happened?  My creative dream energy began to work on OTHER GOALS that I have for my life.  I began to BECOME that person I had always wanted to be. 

And I found out that taking care of myself physically, by eating right and exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep, doesn't take a whole lot of time!  I am actually MORE available emotionally AND physically to my family than I ever was as a Class IV Morbidly Obese individual.  I love what I'm creating with my life!

Do you?  Do you know who you want to be?  Do you know how EXCITING it is to figure that out and then work TOWARDS it?  Or are you still stuck on the hamster wheel of "I can't believe I blew it again today...or last night...or on Saturday...."

If you KEEP "blowing it" time after time then I got news for ya.  You EXPECT to blow it.  If you didn't EXPECT to blow it, you wouldn't blow it.  We always get exactly what we expect our of ourselves
You expect to NOT succeed.  For some reason, you order your day or your life in such a way so that you CAN feel guilt and shame and self-loathing and I SO want to put my arms around you and tell you that you can CHANGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS about yourself in ONE HEARTBEAT.  In ONE DECISION.  Right.  Now.
You can BE the you that you've always WANTED to be, instead of the you that, thus far, you have EXPECTED to be.

My question is, will you?  5&1.  No exceptions.  Day in.  Day out.  Are you ready to transform?  Rinse and Repeat!

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