Sunday, September 8, 2013

Far too many Americans choose pain and disability rather than health.

Here is an exerpt from a book that I am reading presently which I found very true and telling:

"Far too many Americans choose pain and disability rather than health.  They have come to believe that the pursuit of health is a burden, an imposition on their already overscheduled, overcommitted lives.  Yet, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not burdensome - it is liberating.  Time and money are of little worth without health.  Success without vitality is of no value.  It is never too late to get on the road.  No matter what your age or physical condition, the time to begin is now."

I completely agree with this statement.  This WAS  me a few years back.  This IS what many of my peers, the forty-something acquaintences and friends of mine presently BELIEVE, and I'm not sure what to do about it except be a living example that health is AWESOME, health is FUN, healthy is WORTH THE INCONVENIENCE of attaining it, if indeed you consider it an inconvenience to pursue health. 

And then they tell me about the pain in their joints.  And the fact that they have to wear a C-PAP machine.  And their lack of energy.  I say all of THAT is pretty inconvenient, if you are asking my opinion.  But many of them don't ask my opinion because they know what I'm going to say.

They are not sick and tired ENOUGH of being sick and tired, not enough to actually put the "I hope I can get healthy someday" vague (by intention) and distant (because they don't ever ACTUALLY see themselves accomplishing it) sentiment into an actual PLAN to do so.

I wish I could sit them all down for a moment and help them really SEE themselves as CAPABLE of creating HEALTH in their own lives.  Because if they SAW the end result, if they SAW the potential of what they could actually ACCOMPLISH one day at a time by incrementally adopting Habits of Health, they would be amazed and astounded.

And they would do whatever it takes to get there.  Which, they would find, is actually manageable, doable, and joyful.  Sure there are rough patches.  But we get through them, and we get on with it.

Back to my Fleetwood Mac and housecleaning.......

Rinse and Repeat!

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