Do I REALLY just want to "eat normal"?
is a very real desire that we all have to confront at some point or
other in our journey towards optimal health.
Well, put it
this way, we don't HAVE to confront this idea, we can IGNORE what is
deep down and simply ACT on that hope after "losing weight", which WILL
likely cause us to gain it all back again.
We've all been there,
at that party or bridal shower or wedding reception or vacation, longing
for the carefree days when we could eat whatever we wanted. No matter
that we were overweight or obese, we just wanted the freedom to eat what
we wanted to eat, consequences be darned! Do we really want that?
Or, we can deal with it and CHANGE OUR WANTS.
Let me give you a different perspective on it. Do you REALLY want to "eat normal"?
doing what we've always done will get us what we've always got. Is
that the status quo I want to maintain after all my hard work?
the idea of "normal" in this country is what has 2/3rd's of Americans
being overweight and fully HALF of those overweight Americans being
OBESE. So, "normal" is overweight or obese. Healthy weight is actually
the EXCEPTION. We are the MINORITY, those of us who are a healthy
Granted, and this is more true of YOUNGER people who are a
healthy weight, but some of them can remain so because
their bodies naturally tend towards that. But the vast majority of
those of us who are, oh, over 25 years old and who are a healthy
weight are so because we choose to maintain energy balance and eat
healthily, as well as move our bodies a little bit every day.
And those of us, like me, who have been FORMERLY obese or overweight and decided to make a
lifestyle shift, we DO have to to fight for the right to be healthy, and create a NEW normal for ourselves!
only about 5-15% of people who lose a significant amount of weight
maintain their losses for two years or more, that means those of us who
have done that, who ARE in the healthy weight range, are the minority of
the minority (of the minority of the feels like one of
those pictures of a mirror with a picture of a mirror with a picture of a
mirror....I digress.....).
So tell me, do we WANT to eat NORMALLY to BE NORMAL, or do we WANT to eat EXCEPTIONALLY to be EXCEPTIONAL?
Do you know who else chooses "Exceptional?"
Olympic quality and elite athletes.
Channing Tatum in an interview with a journalist over dinner was ordering a hamburger without the bun, "and hold the fries".
Tatum. He took a moment after ordering to explain to the journalist
that he was only a few days out from shooting on a film he was starring
in, and therefore was minimizing his unnecessary carbs. Channing Tatum.
Cavill a.k.a "Superman" had to sign a contract with Universal that he
would ONLY EAT what the Studio provided him to eat for about 6 months
during shooting. He was on a mission to get what he wanted, which was
to be EXCEPTIONAL in his Superman suit.
in this context means that you are comfortable with and actively striving
towards your health goals. I have lived the life of a "normal"
American adult, and it did NOT bring me peace and joy. In fact, quite
the opposite, it brought me heartache and emotional conflict and pain
such that I vowed NOT BE THAT WAY ANYMORE.
bodies are our bodies, we can't swap 'em out for bodies that DON'T store
extra calories/carbs etc as fat. Our bodies will always do that, we
have not and will not change that propensity. What we HAVE accomplished
by losing the excess adipose tissue (long-term energy storage) and becoming a healthy weight is that
we have brought our bodies back in to energy balance. We are no longer
hoarders of calories on our person. We are also living a life, those of
us who have done that, which is necessarily more active. For me, this
life I live now is infinitely more satisfying and exciting and
downright FUN that the life I was living as a Class IV
Super-Obese-yet-"normal"-eating individual.
And I will continue
"exceptionally", and I will continue to move "exceptionally", to
maintain what I have GAINED, which is optimal health, so that I may be
able to continue LIVING an exceptional life. The life I always dreamed I
would live if I were the person I 'might have' been. There is no
'might have' anymore.
I am her.
Rinse and Repeat!
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