Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lessons from The Titanic

This picture is a very appropriate one describing how I felt after I gained back in 2008 the 140 pounds that I had recently lost in 2006/07. 

I felt like the purpose of my life at THAT point may have been simply to serve as a warning for others.

A big, fat warning that read "DON'T EVER EVER EVER DO WHAT SHE JUST DID!!!"

I felt horrible.  Depressed.  Like a failure.  Like a cautionary tale. 

I felt like that for 2 whole years, until I got the courage to try it one more time.

I am here to tell you that no matter WHAT your situation, you don't have to settle for THIS being your story.  You can create the story you WANT to create, and you CAN be the hero or heroine of it.

I decided NOT to be the titanic.  I decided what I wanted to CREATE with this journey to health, and I created it.  =)  And you can too!

Rinse and Repeat!  One day at a time!

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