Friday, July 8, 2011


Sometimes it truly is just one day at a time. One day. Just today. And sometimes the routine of it is really like picking cotton. All day. Every day. In the hot sun. In the rain. In the wind. In the....well you get my meaning.

I cannot focus on the enormity of the task before me. If I had done that I would have given up 11 months ago, 1 week into my program.

But I did not. I focus on today.

Are my individual eating choices TODAY moving me closer to, or farther away from my goal?

Well, first I had to have a goal. I needed a goal that was tangible, realistic, obtainable and measurable. I picked midrange of a healthy BMI.

Time frame. How long would it take me? If I averaged the MINIMUM weight loss on Medifast it would take me 75 weeks. If I averaged the MIDRANGE weight loss on Medifast it would take me 42 weeks.

OK. So sometime between 42 and 75 weeks.

I am 49 weeks in to my program. And I am down 99 lbs.

I think it is safe to say I can expect a 2 lb/week loss from here on out. I have 51 lbs to go, so I should be at my goal in 26 weeks.

Now. Remember, I've been on Medifast for 49 weeks. If I looked at it as "Good Gosh, I HAVE to be on MEDIFAST for HALF A YEAR MORE!?!?!?", it would be an accurate statement, but it would also have the potential to lead to discouraging thoughts, which would lead to self-defeating thoughts of "how did I let myself get here in the first place?"

So the way I choose to look at it, and it is a choice just like everything else, is to say "Today I have the opportunity to make choices that will lead me toward my ultimate goal."

So I do. I'm not "GOOD" or "BAD" on my program. I am either moving TOWARD or AWAY from the goals I have set for myself.

And I've got time. Lord willing, time I've got. And the time will pass anyway, whether I am "doing" Medifast or not. But I ask myself, what better use of my time could I be doing than to be becoming the best version of myself I can possibly be? In finding my authentic self? I can do this while still taking care of my family and all my earthly responsibilities. So why wouldn't I? One day at a time.

Happy Medifasting! Rinse and Repeat!

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