Tuesday, August 28, 2012

If You Are Reading This And Feel Like a Failure...

......Then this blog is for you.

I know how you feel.  But I want you to know this.  It doesn't matter how much weight you have gained back.  It is NEVER too late to start again.  To make the decision.  To grasp on to hope.  To try it ONE.  MORE.  TIME.

If you are going to attempt it, though, you will NEED to get a copy of the book "Dr. A's Habits of Health".

It is the best tool you can have in your arsenal to beat this thing and adopt Healthy Habits which will carry you to your dreams.

I've been where you are.  I gained ALL my weight back.  All 140 pounds.  After white-knuckling it and having a steely resolve for 14 months I had lost 140 pounds.  Then my life fell apart and I did not have the coping mechanisms in place to deal with it.  So up I went.  All of it.  +4 more pounds just to add insult to injury.

Then one day I found the courage to try again.  So I did.  I got the extra support I needed, I bought the book.  And I did it. 

One day at a time, but it did start with that decision to not treat this as another diet, but instead to make it a way of life.

I see all of the eye-rolls out there, the "Yeah, I've heard that over and over and I don't even GET what you MEAN by saying that!  It is so cliche!"

I did not grasp fully what that meant until I made the decision to find out.  To read the book.  To get rid of my "diet" mentality and shift to small incremental sustainable changes in my day that I could repeat daily for the rest of my life.  Moving more.  Eating 6 times a day.  Eating breakfast, etc.

What I DIDN'T do:

*Kill myself at the gym or start any extreme exercise regimen that I could not sustain for the rest of my life
*Beat myself up if I slipped here or there
*Give up

So be encouraged.  If you are lurking on these boards, having lost XXX amount of weight on Medifast, or any other program a year or a few years ago, and wishing you could "get back there" and have that zeal you had the first time FORGET THE ZEAL.  I never experienced that "Go get 'em I'm super hyper motivated" feeling the second time....but I still did the work.  Because it is the WORK, the DAILY ACTION that gets you there, based on your quiet commitment, based on doing what you said you were going to do.  You don't have to be super enthusiastic about it.  So don't wait for that feeling.  Just rip open a Medifast Meal, if you have a few in your pantry....just open what you have and START.   It will work whether you feel like it will or not, provided you do the work.  =)

So contact me, let's order your next month of supplies right away, and you can also be on your way.  My website is www.healthcoachstacyphillips.tsfl.com and when you order through that site I become your Health Coach!  I'll contact you after receiving notice of the order, and we can get going!  And don't forget to add Dr. A's Habits of Health in your order.  You won't regret it.  =)

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