Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Inspiractional Libs: Reframing Our Narrative and Self Talk


Five years ago I began to "drift" in my own health. I had been a health coach for 5 years, had lost 150 pounds, and had maintained a healthy BMI for 3 years. Some would have looked at my journey as an example of success, an example of how to "lose weight and keep it off...." (which is diet mentality right there), and I would have agreed with them. However, I began a slow "slide" back into unhealthy habits by DROPPING some of my healthy ones, or at least being a little inconsistent with them (at first...because that's always how it STARTS...just a little slip here, a little slide there, a little mindlessness here, a little "I'll start for reals and get super serious tomorrow" there) you know the drill, and you probably know the story of what happened after that without me even having to fill in the blanks. I could probably make a mad lib, and you could have a little fun with it, maybe even fill in your OWN version if you, like me, procrastinated on making a shift back to health!

I'm so _________(insert emotion, perceived state, or external circumstance)
Suggestions include:
Emotions: overwhelmed, stressed, discouraged, ambivalent, upset, blah,
State: busy, tired, sick, sick and tired, stressed, confused, ambivalent, stubborn,
External circumstance: broke, relied upon by others, overworked, overscheduled, busy,

today, I can't possibly practice healthy  ________________________ (insert healthy habit)
Suggestions include: eating, motion, stress management, sleep, community, emotional management, goal setting, revisiting my why, assessing my current reality).

because I have to ____________________ (insert action).
Suggestions include: go to work, go to school, visit a friend, run errands, wash the car, file my taxes, organize my sock drawer, study, write a paper, think about why I’m not writing my paper, schedule my week/month/year in my daytimer, organize my files, pay my bills, water my plants, buy a house, buy some lipstick, buy a boat.

Therefore, I can’t possibly even CONSIDER staying TRUE to my _______ (insert nutrition), which I KNOW is the first habit of health I need to put in place in order to begin getting the results I want, let ALONE start working on the other habits of health,
Suggestions include: “Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan” or “Transition Plan” or “Optimal Health 3&3 Plan”)

But I can always start __________________ (insert date - any other date but TODAY),
Suggestions include: NEXT Monday, NEXT Tuesday, NEXT Wednesday, NEXT Thursday, NEXT Friday, NEXT Saturday, NEXT Sunday, NEXT week, NEXT New Year’s Day, tomorrow, next month, next year, after my next birthday (in 7 months), after Christmas (it’s March 18th), after “the holidays” (whichever one is next, or better yet, the one AFTER the one that’s next).

Because THEN I’ll probably have more _______________(emotion, perceived state or external circumstance you THINK you LACK which is CAUSING you to not “be able to” begin today).
Suggestions include: willpower, motivation, support from my family, support from my coach, money, time, bandwidth, superhuman/supernatural power, pixie dust from the diet fairy.


I’m so ________________________________(insert positive emotion)
Suggestions include: happy and grateful, overjoyed, peaceful, hopeful,

That TODAY, in THIS MOMENT, RIGHT NOW I have the ability to choose to become the person I always wanted to BE. This best version of me is ____________________ (describe the “you” that you want to become).
Suggestions include: confident, healthy, purpose-driven, passionate, successful, living his/her dreams, smiling at the future, living a life of intention

TODAY, I will be working on my healthy habits(s) of _______________(insert habits of health I’m working on presently.
Suggestions include: nutrition, motion, emotional management, community, sleep, mindfulness

Which, as I practice daily with consistency, bring me closer to achieving _____________________________________________________________(insert goal or goals).

Next _________ (insert time frame like “week” or “month” or “year”) I can see myself enjoying my improving health as I _____________________________________(insert activity)
Suggestions include: walk on the beach, play with my grandkids with ease and comfort, go on that Disneyland ride, take a hot-air balloon ride, ski the slopes, participate in that race, model health for my family, help others get healthy too

I know that the habits that I practice ________________ (insert “TODAY, RIGHT NOW”) will create the ME  I desire to BE.


I know that when I complete a daily healthy habit action plan in the morning I feel better both short-term and long-term. Practicing self-care in this way is a priority that I want to live out authentically every day because I am BEING today that person I desire to BECOME.


My Habits of Health TODAY _________________________ (date)

Planned Nutrition/Hydration _______________________________________________________

Actual Nutrition/Hydration ________________________________________________________

Planned Activity/Motion__________________________________________________________

Actual Activity/Motion____________________________________________________________

Planned Mindfulness Activity ______________________________________________________

Actual Mindfulness Activity ________________________________________________________

Planned Healthy Community_______________________________________________________

Actual Healthy Community_________________________________________________________

Planned Personal/Emotional Development ____________________________________________

Actual Personal/Emotional Development______________________________________________

General Review Notes and Observations_______________________________________________

5&1, Transition, 3&3 (with or without fuelings)
64 oz minimum
Always speak to your Physician before beginning a program with a weight loss-component. Consult with your coach to individualize your nutrition plan to fit your particular health goals.

If in 5&1: If you were exercising regularly before you started the 5&1, cut your time and intensity in HALF for the first 3 weeks, no more than 22 minutes per day of light/moderate activity. After 3 full weeks on the 5&1 program you may engage in up to 45 minutes light/moderate exercise per day
If in Optimization phase (3&3) you are not limited to 45 minutes per day. Consult Dr. A’s Habits of Health for ideas, and it is recommended to check with your Physician before beginning an exercise program if you have any underlying health conditions that may warrant caution.

Mindfulness Activity:
Guided mindful meditation, spiritual devotions and quiet time, practicing mindful awareness such as body scans, having a massage or a thoughtful sauna. Consult Dr. A’s Habits of Health for some guidance in this area. There are also free resources online at many university-based mindfulness institutes around the nation.

Healthy Community
Examples can include listening to a live or recorded Habits of Health Webinar, Engaging and participating on the Client Support Facebook Page (giving encouragement to others, posting encouraging breakthroughs or challenges), and in-person hangouts or other activities with healthy-minded friends. Also, encouraging others on their journey (coaching) can be a part of this in a big way, to build healthy community around yourself by helping to provide it to others. Ask your coach for suggestions if you would like some help in this area.

Personal/Emotional Development

Examples include: Dr. A’s Habits of Health Book and workbook, non-fiction personal development book or podcast or video/webinar in areas of interest, such as leadership, emotional intelligence, managing emotional quotient (EQ). Ask your coach for suggestions if you would like some help in this areas.

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