Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Seemingly Small Improvements Practiced Daily

I heard this concept 7 years ago.
I was at a Leadership Conference at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort, and the keynote speaker Wayne Scott Andersen flew in for the weekend was Robin Sharma. What we learned that weekend was what I quote and has become a guiding principal of the #powerofCONSISTENCY in my own journey. The quote is "Seemingly small improvements, practiced daily over time, produce stunning results."

It's not what we do ONE DAY (usually January 1st yearly, if you know what I mean....LOL) that matters, but it is what we do EVERY DAY that matters.
Which is why the most effective way to change our lives is truly to decide on a course of action that initiates small but HIGH LEVERAGE changes we can bring in to our TODAYS, each and every TODAY, that will add up to massive transformation. Stunning transformation, both inside AND out.
I drew this graph and wrote out the quote, and have it posted on my cupboard so I can see it daily. You see, everyday we ARE making deposits or withdrawals in our "wellbeing" account. In our physical health, in our emotional health, in our relationship health, all of these "seemingly small" deposits or withdrawals are, in effect, COMPOUNDING. We may not see it right away, we may not even notice it, until we get past that line I drew on the graph on the top of the page (see picture). Then, the curve becomes undeniable.
Take health, for instance. When we aren't "paying attention" we are, in effect, living potentially unhealthy habits by default. These are "withdrawals" from our physical health account.
Since we are NOT fragmented people who have clear lines of compartmentalization between physical, emotional and spiritual realms of individuality, these withdrawals are ACTUALLY coming from our WHOLE person, and EVERY area, and each both effects AND responds to the other. There is either harmony or dissonance. And we feel it FULLY throughout our entire person.
Many people think that since their "labs are fine" or they don't have any apparent "aches or pains" (chronic or acute), right NOW, that they are "healthy". However, in this culture and in this day and age I can almost guarantee you that if you are not mindfully CREATING health in your life, the likely truth is that you are unwittingly making daily compounding withdrawals from your health account.
A quick spot check for you to consider is to answer these questions:
Do you have a structure and intentionality that you follow more days than not for your daily nutrition and hydration?
Do you have a structure and intentionality that you follow more days than not for your daily or weekly motion?
Do you have a structure and intentionality that you follow more days than not for your sleep?
Do you have a structure and intentionality that you follow more days than not for handling the daily stresses of life?
Do you have a structure and intentionality for your relationships/community involvement?
There is no coasting, there is no stasis. In fact, if someone appears to be "maintaining" a level of health in any of these areas, they are in actuality either improving or declining. They may simply have not yet made it past the vertical line I drew on the graph........yet.
But there is GREAT NEWS FOR YOU, even if you have NOT been mindfully paying attention or developing and acting in routine and structure designed for improvement, no matter WHERE you are on that graph! Did you read that? NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE on that graph, you can begin TODAY to practice health. You can begin TODAY to bring in those "seemingly small improvements" that will compound over time.
You simply need a solid plan. And that plan really needs to include these four elements for it to be successful long-term and for a lifetime, according to evidence-based research:
Structure that will predictably move you towards your goals
One-on-one loving accountability
Systematic education for the "how's and why's"
Participation with other like-minded people in community
I hope the one person I wrote this for is inspired into action. I don't know who you are, but I wrote it for you. Raise your hand and let's get started.

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