Monday, February 16, 2015

OMGosh I FELL! First time since 2006!

Today I was out for my first official "training trail run" for a Half Marathon Trail run I'm doing in May in Colorado. Now, mind you, I've run this trail on South Mountain in Phoenix MANY times in the last few years, but I have not EVER fallen while running....until TODAY. Scraped up my hand, my phone was OK (whew!) and I think I gave myself whiplash but other than that I survived. But tonight it got me thinking about the last time I REALLY fell, which was 2006.

In 2006 I weighed 268 pounds, and I was carrying my then-1-year-old son across a parking lot. My foot caught in a small pothole and because I was so large, my muscles so weak, and there was so much forward momentum from my weight, I couldn't catch myself. We both went down onto the pavement. My son hit his head on the asphalt, and I realized at that moment that my weight was to blame. I cradled him in my arms and we both cried for a few minutes until someone helped me up. He ended up being fine, but I realized I needed to make a change, that my weight was not only endangering me, but it was endangering my son in a very real way. And there began my weight loss journey.

Here it is, 8 years later, and I fell again while running down a freaking mountain, and I was FINE! The circumstances of my life are SO different now, and I am simply grateful. Grateful that I found a tool that helped me get ME back! Grateful that I can model health for my son and for my family! It isn't always easy, but the alternative would have cost me WAY too much.

I can't tell you how joyful I feel that I made this decision.  And I'd love to help you are someone you love create health in your lives also!  It won't cost you NOTHING (although I am a FREE Health Coach!).  But it may cost you EVERYTHING if you ignore your health.  If not now, when?  

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