Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Anatomy of Recovering After a Slip

Have you slipped this month, this week, or today?  Is that weighing heavy on you, is that affecting your decision making process today in a negative way?  Is it killing your self esteem or your hope that you CAN do this?

I know that about now those donuts someone brought in this morning are sitting in the break room, and you have been avoiding the break room for the last 2 hours.  I know that someone may have JUST made microwave popcorn and the smell is wafting down the hall.  And that person, who EVERY FREAKING YEAR brings that bowl of candy miniatures and sets it on the reception desk a full MONTH before Halloween is up to their old tricks again....and your day really boils down to charting not the quickest path from the parking lot to your desk, but the path of "least resistance", meaning that you won't have to use up ALL of your self-control energy before 8:00 am on weekdays just getting to your cubicle/office.

Oh, I know.  The perils of Halloween month are many.  And sometimes we even engage in forms of what turn out to be self-sabotage although we went about it innocently enough.  You know those conversations you have with yourself from the day after Labor day through October 31st when the big box stores put out the bulk bags of Halloween candy and you think to yourself  "I oughta get that now, because the price is pretty good and it would be good to have that taken care of in advance" you do.

Do you know WHY they put those bags out the day after Labor Day?  Because they know that if you bring one or two of those big bags home you or your family will eat it in 2 weeks and you'll need to buy another one.  The psychology of marketing is NOT in the favor of those of us trying to get healthy.
Remember this truth:

YOU can turn that around in the blink of an eye, with one DECISION to make your next meal a Medifast One. This plan starts working RIGHT AWAY when you open up a packet, you don't have to wait until midnight or "tomorrow" because we don't have "diet clocks" that reset at midnight. Our bodies consistently respond to what we put into them NEXT.

If your NEXT decision is not a healthy one, your body will respond in kind by getting bigger. TODAY.

If your NEXT decision is to follow the 5&1 as written in the Quick Start Guide, if you open up a Medifast Meal right NOW you ARE ON PLAN today.  Then finish out TODAY on plan. Not tomorrow. Not next Monday.

Lastly, be KIND to yourself. We didn't get here overnight, nor is the solution an instant one in terms of results, but it IS an instant one in terms of action.  We are SO hard on ourselves and we beat ourselves up beyond recognition when we "fail" (our words).

See your entire journey is defined by your VERY NEXT DECISION.  The one that you are ABOUT to make.

This program is a powerful tool in the life of the person who utilizes it per manufacturer's direction.  The MOMENT you have your next Medifast Meal is the MOMENT you change your life.  Then, add time and water.

You ARE worth it.  As am I.

Rinse and Repeat!

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