The 2012 Summer Olympics opening
ceremony is tonight. This next few weeks will be an amazing display of
athletic excellence and competition, it is what every athlete dreams of.
love to ride along in that journey of the Olympic Athlete, don't we?
The performance that gets the medal, the medal ceremony, the glory and
the sense of accomplishment.
But would we have wanted to ride
along in their journey for the last 15 years when their alarm clock went
of at 4:00 am every day for training? Would we have climbed out of bed
with them, wiped our groggy eyes, gotten dressed in the dark, grabbed
our gear bag and headed out into the cold morning to the gym or the
track or the pool, ready to pound out hours and hours of routine,
mundane training which no one but them and perhaps their trainer sees?
There are no accolades, no applause as they find it within themselves
daily to accomplish what they need to accomplish to propel them towards
their goal.
The journey of an Olympic Athlete takes time. Most
of the time is spent doing those seemingly small things day in and day
out which will further their primary goal.
But those seemingly small, routine tasks of improvement, done daily, produce STUNNING results, as we see with every competition.
journey is similar. Getting out of bed. Eating our first Medifast
Meal. Drinking our water. Getting enough rest. Moving our bodies a
little bit every day. Small, mundane improvements done over time.
Produce. Stunning. Results.
Conversely, as we know, small,
seemingly innocuous acts of neglect done over time produce tragic
results. We have all learned that. Which is why we landed here,
needing Medifast, needing the Habits of Health to teach us how to stop
neglecting our bodies.
So what will it be today? Will you do
those mundane acts of improvement today? Or will you say "Aw, one day
won't matter" and neglect your program for yet another "one day"?
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