Monday, September 15, 2014

Everybody CAN have success but not everybody WILL have success

Everybody CAN find success on this program, but not everybody WILL be successful.  What do I mean by that? 

I mean that the number ONE REASON why people do NOT succeed in creating health in their lives is that they don't DO the plan.  Simple as that.  They don't ADHERE to the Quick Start Guide instructions on "How To."

They buy the nice little package full of hope, it is delivered to their front door, but some don't realize that "assembly not included, batteries not included".

They don't ship a new YOU to your front door.  They don't ship new habits and behaviors and ways of thinking about health to your front door.

You get the tools.  You get the nuts and bolts.   Then YOU have to go out and do the work.  Action.  Daily action.

What I CAN tell you is THIS:

This program offers PREDICTABLE TRANSFORMATION if and only IF you follow the instructions.

And the instructions are simple.  Anyone CAN do this plan.  Not everyone WILL do this plan.  What is the plan?

Well, the plan is achieved in stages.  Many of us think we're just in this to lose some weight.  But then we realize the potential to truly create health in our lives, and we realize that the weight loss phase is simply the first phase in a lifetime process of becoming optimally healthy.

Weight Loss:  Medifast 5&1 Plan:
*5 Medifast Meals per day
*1 Weighed and Measured Lean and Green assembled yourself choosing from the options listed in the Quick Start Guide, with the appropriate REQUIRED healthy fats added after cooking. 
* No more than 3 condiments added daily (Additional healthy fat and condiment options can be found in the expanded Condiment/Healthy Fat publication).
* At LEAST 64 ounces of water (Dr. A recommends drinking half your body weight in ounces of water, for example you weigh 200 lbs so drink 100 ounces of water)
* Eat within 1 hour of waking
* Eat your allotment of meals every 2.5 hours
* Do no exercise in the first 3 weeks of the program UNLESS you have been exercising regularly prior to starting the plan, and in that case you will cut your duration and intensity by HALF
* After the first 3 weeks on the program, no not EXCEED 45 minutes of moderate activity daily

Simple, right?  Then why do many people never make it through the weight loss phase?  Because they abandon the principles in the Quick Start Guide.

Predictable transformation can come to EVERYONE who is on the path.  The path is fully spelled out in the Quick Start Guide.  So, are you having the results you wanted/expected on the plan?  If not, consult the quick start guide and STOP thinking that you know better, you know your body, you want to exercise more, you are hungry so you eat 2 string cheeses because you are hungry, you get famished at night and HAVE to have something or you'll DIE.  STOP taking bites, licks and tastes, STOP adding extras to your Medifast Meals and thinking they won't matter, STOP eyeballing your lean protein, STOP drizzling salad dressing on your salad without measuring it, STOP having that glass of wine or that drink on the weekends or with friends, STOP using food as comfort, STOP using food as entertainment, STOP using food in ways that have necessitated you needing to begin this plan in the first place. 

START adhering to the Quick Start Guide.  START setting your cell phone alarm for your mealtimes.  START leaving the house every morning with a "go-bag" of atleast 5 portable meals so you will NEVER be able to say "I didn't have my Medifast Meals with me".  START limiting your exercise to 45 minutes maximum.  START carrying an awesome water bottle with you and tracking your water.  START reading Dr. A's Habits of Health.  START with reading and fully understanding the instructions on how to create predictable transformation in your lives.

If this hits a little close to home, then good.  I have to remind myself monthly, weekly, and sometimes daily that if I knew how to live a healthy life on my own I would have done so before I was 40 years old and class IV Super Obese at 5 foot 3 and 272 pounds.  If I knew how to live a healthy life I would have been doing that already.  So I admitted that I didn't know everything.  And then I surrendered to the published plan in all aspects. 

What will you choose?  Predictable Transformation or Same-ole-Story?

I choose health.

Rinse and Repeat!

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