Saturday, March 10, 2007

Life, Whatnot

Do you ever just wake up one morning and say "what happened!" That's what I did last July. It was an awful realization that I had infact turned into Jabba-The-Hut. It happened so slowly, you would think I could have prevented it. But negligence makes the butt grow bigger. Makes the chin grow longer. Makes the arms wobble. The tummy grow to the size of Montana. Again, I could say I don't know what happened. I could feign ignorance over the state I had let my body atrophy to. It's like I just "spread out" all over the place. Like melting butter. Lots of it. 148 pounds of it.

This morning I dropped into the 160's. I'm so pleased, I can't even tell you how excited I am that I'm into the 160's. I have not been this small in over 13 years. And I've only been married for 15 years! My hubby said today that I was getting "skinny". I'm a far cry from "skinny" but I'll grant that I haven't been this small for the bulk of our marriage. So, putting it into perspective, I AM skinny to him right now! I can't wait till I'm at goal!

I've decided to leave the MF site for many reasons. I won't go into them here, why taint a perfectly good blog with ugliness.

My size 6 Petite jeans came in the mail from Levi's. I had a good laugh trying to get them on. Ha Ha Ha. (Deadpan). I'm wearing my 8's all over the place, so I figured "why not just have the 6P's on hand as my new 'goal jeans'"? Well, ladies and gents, I did not get them over my every-shrinkin' buttocks! I was told that 6P's are different than 6's. 6P's are for people who think the regular 6's are too big, but the 4's are too small. So it's kind of a half size. When I'm finally in them, it'll be the equivalent of a size 5. I think. Whatever that means. In real life it doesn't mean anything, it's just numbers, and totally dependent on the style/manufacturer of the jeans anyway. So doesn't really matter.

But it's fun having them in the closet, thinking "someday soon" I'll fit into them. Maybe 2 months? We'll see! Okay, that's enough for tummy is rumbling and it's time for my chicken and my cucumber/onion/vinegar salad.

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