Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Are We Still Kidding Ourselves?

I remember the day when that first purchase of Halloween Candy "for the kiddos" right around October 15th would set off a cascade of events which would catapult me through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve and leave me with an extra 10 pounds on my person.

You know what I mean, that first tingle of "Oh, wow, Halloween candy, right...I'd better pick up a bag of my favorites right now before I forget."

Then I'd get INTO that very bag well before Halloween.  Which would leave me needing to buy another bag at 4pm on October 31st anyway because I had eaten completely through the first one.  The one I bought for the kiddos.

November 1st would roll around and I'd still be in a sugar-coma from the Halloween candy.  But I couldn't start any program because, of course, Thanksgiving was coming up.  And who starts a program before Thanksgiving?  That would be a futile exercise, right?  So went my thinking in the PAST.  So the menu planning and the procurement of food stuffs FOR Thanksgiving would begin in earnest.  You know, the sorting through the recipes, the gathering of the pumpkin pie fixings, the elaborate side-dishes, I could feel my mouth watering with every Food Network Thanksgiving Show I watched!  And a few more pounds would come on in anticipation with some of the "test recipes" I would make, you know, just in case, because it was a new recipe and all.

Thanksgiving Day would come and I would be SO FULL already by the time Thanksgiving Dinner rolled around because I had been tasting and testing as I prepared everything.  Then the "post-Thanksgiving nap."  That tryptophan-laden slumber of being SO stuffed I could hardly breathe.  Good thing I was wearing an elastic waist-band, or better yet a draping dress that of COURSE hid my rolls.

Finally, the Christmas Season, which had already hit with a vengeance on October 26th, was in full swing.  Time to make the "Christmas Cookies" because, of course, it was TRADITION!  The massive quantities of fudge I would have to make early in December simply to have enough pieces to go around on Christmas Eve.  Turns out I had to make about 3 double-batches before Christmas anyway to have enough because we kept eating them and eating them in advance of the festivities.  And the fudge was just ONE of the 6 or 7 varieties of Christmas Cookies/Goodies I was famous for making.  Nevermind the Mrs. Field's Eggnog Cookies that I ALSO had to make a few double-batches of in order to have 24 left by Christmas Eve. 

And finally, New Year's Eve.  What is New Year's Eve without food, and a LOT of it?  Appetizers, champagne, you name it. 

I honestly don't think I felt a PANG of hunger from October 15th clear through until January 1st.

THEN came the resolution.  "I will lose weight this year!"

Sure.  If the previous 3 months was any indication of my resolve, I was in trouble.  Still kidding myself.

So, then comes the question.

What would I be willing to do to FINALLY realize my dreams of attaining and maintaining optimal health?  

If you could, with the right tools and a little motivation and support, start something right NOW that could allow you to LOSE 10-22 pounds BY Christmas, would you be interested in that proposition?  Would you believe that by following a simple eating plan JUST FOR TODAY and then when you wake up tomorrow, following a simple eating plan JUST FOR TODAY you can realize your goal? 

The good news is you CAN.  The question is WILL YOU?

You see, I used to be the person described in the first half of this blog.  I used to BE Class IV Obese.  But I can tell you that even if you have 10-20 pounds to lose, you can relate to this blog, and you CAN get the results you want and live the life you desire, in health.  The plan is simple, and effective, and clinically proven.  The cost is ONLY the cost of the food you eat ON the plan, and a book called "Dr. A's Habits of Health" which will teach you how to learn the principles to make this a LIFESTYLE change instead of just another failed "diet."  

If you are READY to bring health into your life and you can FOLLOW a simple program when 5 out of the 6 meals you will eat daily are PROVIDED FOR YOU, if you can DRINK water, if you can simply CONTROL for 24 hours what you put in your mouth, then repeat again tomorrow for just 24 more hours, etc, you CAN be successful on this plan.  And since I am a FREE health coach (you only pay for your food which you consume on the plan) I will assist you to FINALLY navigate through this Holiday Season with success.

If you are thinking "But I WANT to eat Thanksgiving Dinner and Christmas Dinner, I don't WANT to start something now and NOT be able to enjoy those two days" think of it this way:  You are talking TWO days out of SIXTY-ONE days if you start on November 1st.  That is TWO days and really it is your decision whether you enjoy those meals in moderation, no one is going to slap your hand or think you are a failure if you make a DECISION to have a couple Tablespoons of stuffing and a small sliver of pumkin pie.  You MAY even get to those meals and decide that it isn't WORTH it to you to have a few yummy things and sacrifice those days on plan.  But it isn't a deal-breaker unless YOU make it one.

RIGHT NOW there are some incentives available to new people coming onto the program, and those SAME incentives are available to people who are not NEW to the plan, but have not ordered in the last 12 months.  Is RIGHT NOW the time for you to make a decision?  Please e-mail me at stacymichellephillips@gmail.com and we can get your plan on  your way to you. 

For me, it was a turning point in my life and my health when I committed to the process.  What will YOU do?

Rinse and Repeat!

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