Monday, August 6, 2012

Get Up And Bite the Nail....

"Get up and bite on the nail.  Write every day.  No matter what has happened the day or the night before."  - Earnest Hemmingway

So do you ever just have those mornings where you wake up and think to yourself "Hmmmm....THAT could have certainly gone better than it did....."

When these mornings come, sometimes I am tempted to act today in a manner consistent with the disappointment of yesterday.  Then I think of Earnest Hemmingway.

Every day that man got up and wrote.  He wrote something.  He sat down in his chair, he looked at a blank page, and decided what it was he was going to create that day using words.

And we all know the results of his dedication.

So every day I wake up I also decide what I am going to create that day in my health, using the tool of the Medifast 5&1 Plan.  I will not get it all done in one day.  I MAY not have had success 100% of the time the day before.  But that does NOT determine my actions TODAY.

You know what I think?  I think sometimes we let the burdens of our past "failures" pile up on our backs, and one day that last straw just rears its ugly head and down we go in a heap of disappointment and regret.

Recognizing that possibility, I keep a short record of accounts with myself.  Meaning that "forgiveness" and "grace" are words that I actually me.

Because if we let those burdens stack up, then they weigh us down TODAY, and it negatively effects our attitude TODAY, which is when we most need to show up for ourselves.  Today.

Did you have a rough weekend plan-wise?  Did you make some choices that were not conducive to the direction you want to take your health?  Your life?

Please PLEASE don't carry it in to your week.  Please PLEASE don't collapse  under the burden of regret or disappointment and just throw the towel in on yourself, on your dreams.

Today is a new day.  Its worries and its triumphs are a blank slate.  YOU create what you want today in your health.  YOU decide whether your actions today will take you closer to your goal of optimal health or farther from it.

I choose to move forward.  How about you?

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